Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Favorite Tech Tool

You may find my favorite Tech Tool a little surprising....
       Out of all of the things that I have access to and use in my classroom, the simple touchscreen is my favorite.  It is relatively inexpensive, easy to install and makes a world of differences for students who have difficulty accessing technology due to a disability. My students who are unable or unwilling to use a mouse to control software programs designed to reinforce vocabulary and targeted skills are showing enthusiasm when its their turn. I think of it as a mini-Smart Board for my desktop computers.  I am glad to see the marriage of touchscreen technology with laptops and can't wait to upgrade my home laptop. Now if only they would make a touchscreen for existing laptops. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Top 10  Reasons Why I Became A Pinnacle Leader

10. Professional Development and License Renewal Credits-
      No need to fight to get into Tech seminars at Teaching and Learning Conference.
9.   Professional Learning Network -
      I have an instant PLN at my fingertips.
8.   Up to Date Training Opportunities
      I get advanced training on new technology.
7.   RSS feed readers-
      I learned about how to direct the stream of information to come to me.
6.  Collaborative Opportunities-
      Throughout the year I have the opportunity to collaborate with others to make learning fun.
5.   Twitter Presence-
      I have learned a lot from tweets and twitter. There is some pretty cool stuff out there once you learn how  
      to access it.
4.   Flippin' My Classroom-
      I have learned what a flipped classroom is and would love to have one someday.
3.   Sharing the Love- ( teaching the teachers)
      Discovering new software and technology and sharing it with others or taking something old and tired
      and reviving it with a new twist and new ideas.
2.   Access to Technology-
      Cool tools and techie gadgets that can make students excited about learning.
1.  Representing The BEST school district!
     Being given the opportunity to shine and show others around the world the we are the best school district
     and are striving to help our students learn and love learning in new and exciting ways!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A new semester has begun and with it I have a new resolve to overcome challenges that may arise in my classroom. In early December I met with fellow colleagues and we were given the challenge to describe our first semester in the framework of a favorite Christmas movie.  I chose the movie National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and specifically the scene from the movie when the cat clawed the strand of lights from the tree and electrocuted itself. I felt like that I had bitten off more than I could chew with trying to implement laptop usage into my classroom with students who have special needs that require adapted technology to access the curriculum. Most of my students have difficulty recognizing letters and numbers so it has been very difficult teaching them to login to the network. Other areas of difficulty for some of my students has been the use of a mouse. Two of my students have used touch screens on desktop computers but it is hard to adapt that with laptops. Two of my students have had very limited exposure to laptops and desktop computers. Going back to the framework of  the Christmas Vacation movie I have decided that this semester I am going to be like Clark W. Griswald when he meticulously checks each individual light bulb on the roof. I am going to focus on  little details with just one or two of my students with vision that they will have the Aha moment just like Clark W. Griswald does when the lights blaze.