Sunday, November 27, 2011

1st Semester Pinnacle project

In the link below you will find my Prezi on Meville to Weville.  This is a direct instruction curriculum used to teach students with moderate to severe disabilities. I used this program to teach my students about community. I followed the Standard Course of Study Extended content standards. I used technology to stress key areas within the program and to make learning fun.  Many of my students are not technologically adept therefore I demonstrated some of the skills needed. Each activity within the unit was designed to engage students with learning opportunities. I feel that in this case technology was used to make the lessons more engaging. Some of the lessons that were used were created for Smart board use.  I do think that this type of instruction has impacted student achievement. I feel that the individual projects worked well. However my students need more direct instruction on technology.    - link to the  glogster within the prezi

I also have a Smart lesson page that we used for part of the Family activities.
