Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1st semester reflections.....

Where has the time gone??????? 

Thus far,  there have been so many changes to the way we teach and what we teach, that I feel like I don't know my head from tail. Common Core has changed the expectations of how we deliver instruction and I feel as if there is not enough time in the day to get everything in that needs to be taught. Can I get an AMEN?
My students are taught a little differently than most as I have students with special needs. Where as many of my colleagues can  teach a mini-lesson on the technology and how to use it and then integrate and incorporate technology into their lessons so it appears seamless, I struggle to just get my students to understand how to use the technology appropriately. We are still struggling to log in to our laptops and computers. Not because of technical issues but due to student capabilities. Some of my students are still unable to use a mouse. All of these little things end up causing big headaches for me as I am constantly trying to figure out to climb what appears to me at times an insurmountable problem.   

I use my laptops and classroom computers as centers for the students as a way to access adapted books on the internet and I use them to enhance receptive vocabulary through software programs.  My plans for the future are to teach at least one of my students how to use the laptop to produce some type of student product based on their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goal. I am also working on creating adaptive books for my students to use. 

I as a teacher have been trying to utilize resources on Pinterest to find interesting and unique ways to incorporate Common Core materials and technology into my teaching. Suffice it to say, it has been a struggle to find ways to seamlessly integrate technology into meaningful activities that provide for and demonstrate student progress. 


  1. I am a pinterest fanatic too! I love to hear you are using it to inspire you! I know it is challenging using the technology with your kids, I can relate. I think you are doing wonderful! Keep up the good work! Proud of you for having faith in your kids.

  2. I understand your dilemma! Perhaps you can integrate using the flipcam in some way and then have students interact with what they have recorded. We have many challenges this year and we must keep looking for new ways to keep them engaged and learning. :)Great job!

  3. Sometimes it is all about baby steps and small milestones, and I see that with your students. I agree that right now you have to concentrate and use the technology to meet the adaptive needs of your students which may just be how to use a mouse. That is still student centered!

  4. I like how you said that finding technology integration is sometimes difficult. I feel that way even within my classes sometimes. I feel that it is important as teachers to incorporate technology as much as possible, but to make sure it is effective for our students.
    We need to find each other on Pinterest...I'm in love with it ;)

  5. I understand the struggles of teaching the kids how to use the technology. Although, my struggles are nothing compared to yours. I like the idea of selecting one student to start with in creating a student product. I agree with Teresa. Baby steps. You are making progress.
